Sunday 16 December 2012

"Yes sir." - Thriller Script

For our thriller, we will not be having a very long script, just the detective (Simon) making a few observations.  We may not use the dialogue in our actual thriller, but have ambient sounds or a soundtrack over it.

Here's a possible script if we were to use one:

[in the car]
ASSISTANT: "Is this it?"
DETECTIVE: "Here it is."
ASSISTANT: "Okay let's go."

[outside of the container]
DETECTIVE: "Pull the lever, open it up."
ASSISTANT: "Yes sir."

[inside the container]
DETECTIVE: "Interesting. You see the handprint?"
[pause, then looking at body]
DETECTIVE: "You want to be a detective, so detect.  Open the mouth. I think you find a note inside."
ASSISTANT: "Yes sir."

[detective walks out of container while assistant is still opening note]
DETECTIVE: "Does it mention dancing horses?"
[assistant opens message to find it reads 'Bring on the dancing horses.']

[back in the car]
DETECTIVE: "What took you so long?"
ASSISTANT: "I was looking at the body for the case."
DETECTIVE: "It's solved."
ASSISTANT: "How did you know about the note?"
DETECTIVE: "I know about the note. We go capture the killer now."
ASSISTANT: "Yes sir."
[they drive off]

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