Monday 17 December 2012

Props List

1. Prop knife

        This medium handheld knife needs to be able to be easily attached to the back of someone's head/neck area.  We will need to purchase it online or in a prop store.  We will make it look like a realistic stabbing by adding makeup/fake blood to the back of the actors head. 

2. Clutter/paraphernalia
     The clutter, already located inside the shipping container, sets the scene for a drug-dealer's hide-out.

3. Clipboard and pen
      These props will be held by Charlie (playing the detective's assistant) to signify that he is there as an intern/assistant.  It also shows Simon (playing main detective) to be experienced and in control.  These have both been sourced from the media office.
4. Car
     The car is needed for when the detectives pull up and leave the scene.  We have arranged to  borrow it from one of the teachers.  

5. Tweezers, duct tape and note
     We have decided that the killer will leave a note in the body's mouth, under the duct tape.  The tweezers will be used by Charlie to remove the note and read it, keeping it for evidence.  The tape is available at school, as is the paper for the note, and the tweezers will be borrowed for the day from the nurses' office.

6. Armchair and tarpaulin

     This is where the dead body will sit, hidden underneath the tarpaulin.  There is a ready tarpaulin in the shipping container, and the armchair we are borrowing from the studio.  

 7. Red paint/fake blood
     The red paint will be used for the killer to put his bloody handprint on the wall, however might be changed to fake blood for a more realistic texture and colour.  The paint AND blood have already been sourced from the theatre department.

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