Monday 24 December 2012

Shot List

      1)  Tracking shot of car pulling up

       2) Wide shot of detectives waiting outside the scene, this will be boarded up.

       3) Wide shot of detective.

       4) Close up of him looking at his watch.

       5) Close up of his face.

       6) Cut to mise-en-scene

       7) Tracking shot of detective approaching the body (only witness, ambigious if he is dead or alive).

      8) Close up of the victims face

        9) Tracking shot from the victims face to the area of incision (ie: knife in the back of their head).

     10) Low angle shot of detective preparing himself with the blurred view of the dead body.

     11) Cut to wide shot of other detectives

     12) Close up of knife, to reveal clues/suspense.

     13) Over the shoulder shot of the dead body to view the bodies perspective.

     14) Cuts to the viewpoint (ie; cupboard of drugs).

     15) Wide shot of detective approaching the viewpoint (ie: cupboard of drugs)

     16) Tracking shot of detective leaving the scene.

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