Saturday 15 December 2012

Locations and Set

Opening the Shipping Crate

Our thriller will be shot in the shipping containers outside of the studio, as well as the road leading up to it. The road leading up to it is where the car will drive up, stopping next to the shipping container, the scene of the crime being inside (see storyboard for more details!).  The shipping container, as well as the rock/chicken wire wall will help build the industrial feel, creating a setting that is ordinary but at the same time where a lot of crime has be known to have happened.  The mystery of what happened inside a shipping container will build suspense.

We will have to clean out some of the stuff from the inside in order to fit the actors and equipment in it, which will not be an issue.  The messiness of the container is adding to the mood.  Here are some photos of the inside of the container:


Inside of Shipping Container

Inside of Container

Interior of container

Closing the container


Industrial looking rocks

Looking in on the clutter

Tables and other Paraphernalia

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