Wednesday 5 February 2014

Use of Digital Technology: Production

In production, it was essential to use digital technology to achieve the look we wanted for the band.  This mainly involved using a high-quality camera.  We used the Sony FS100 camera with 18mm, 25mm and 85mm lenses for wide shots, mid shots and close ups respectively.  The quality was very professional and the camera was very sensitive to light and focus.  We also used an iPad to display the clapper to achieve the lip synch. The numbers on the clapper helped us in editing to determine where we were in the song.  The iPad was also used to take photos of the band 'behind the scenes' which we then uploaded to our website. 

We used a projector in production to project on to the torso.  This was just another element to our video that would attract different audiences.  The light desk we used was for setting up the spotlights, gobos, and backlighting that we used to layer the video. 

We used online technology to produce our website and social media campaign.  Using WIX, I built the website and included links to Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr to appeal to more people and gain more publicity.  We posted images, videos and text posts on these to try to attract interest and buzz about the upcoming music video.

I used Photoshop to create the CD Digipak, after having designed it on paper.  It was a long and involved process to create a simple product.

Now that all the rough products were created, we needed to go back and edit, re-write and proof them...

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