Thursday 6 February 2014

Use of Digital Technology: Post-Production


We used online technology to gain important audience feedback and information.  Youtube detected where people were watching our video and on what devices, while SurveyMonkey collected responses from audience members and automatically made graphs to categorise and explain the data.  Facebook was a good tool to advertise our video with, as we could share the link with thousands of 'friends', many of whom were the target audience, in one click.  Twitter made this possible as well, sending the video link out to even more people.  Microsoft Outlook, or our school email, let us get a very specific sample to test our product, as we could contact them directly and capture their individual attention. We contacted them privately and directly to invite them to our focus group.  All of this feedback helped us edit and update our final products afterwards, particularly the CD Digipak.

Of course, it was essential to go back and proof-read our website on WIX to see if there was any room for improvement.  We also needed to go back into Tumblr to update our feed with photos of the shoot day to make it a more personal experience for the audience members using the Tumblr page. 

I used a Flip video camera and an iPhone camera to record reactions from our focus group and individual interviews so that I could upload the videos to my blog and use the feedback to improve my products. 

Our music video could not have been achieved without the use of software.  After cutting the video in Final Cut Pro, we used After Effects to make the border and logo in our video.  On Final Cut Pro, we made the video black and white with the de-saturating tool.  This made the video fit into our campaign.  After receiving feedback on the CD Digipak saying that it was not the right size and also that they did not like the fact that there was no spine, I updated it in Photoshop.  In Soundtrack Pro, I edited the song to be shorter and fit within the three minute length of the video. 

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