Tuesday 4 February 2014

Use of Digital Technology: Pre-Production

In our research and planning, we used a range of digital and online technologies.  This helped develop our creativity by allowing us to express our ideas more clearly, communicate effectively and gain knowledge from a range of sources. 

 We used the internet to gain a wide breadth of research, from videos to websites of other artists.  This familiarised us with the conventions of other indie rock bands.  We also researched into our target audience using search engines and research into VALs.  This combined information gave us inspiration for our music video concept.  I made the shot list, costume list, call list and props list in Google Docs and posted them to blogger so that the logistic information would be available to the whole group.

Here is a link to my research about other bands:

Here is a link to my research into our target audience:


I used cameras to record images of our band, our process and to film our storyboard to create the animatic.  We used smartphones with internet capability to upload images we had taken right on to our website, Tumblr and Facebook promotional pages.  We learned how to use the Sony FS100 camera in preparation for the shoot day.

I used Soundtrack Pro to speed up the song to double speed so that we could film in slow motion.  The song would be at double speed with the film at half speed, meaning that the song would appear to be at normal speed while the movements of the band were in half speed.  I used Final Cut Pro to edit my animatic, and Word and Powerpoint in my research and planning stage, for example in researching into other bands.  


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