Tuesday 16 October 2012

"The Shining" Poster Analysis

The poster of "The Shining" communicates that the film is a thriller.  The man in the poster is the antagonist, baring his teeth in an animalistic and manic way.  His appearance is indicative of his mental state, he is probably mentally insane.  The shadow created by him signifies that he is evil.  He is in the foreground, signifying his physical superiority.  His eyes are fixated on the victim in the background, making him look like he is hunting her.  The axe further connotes this idea of hunting, as it is violently thrust through the white wall.  The movement of the eye from the man to the axe to the woman represents this chase.  The woman is hunched in the corner, a look of terror on her face, manifesting that she is the victim.  She has small knife to protect herself against the large axe of the man, representing her helplessness.  The juxtaposition of her dark clothing (which may symbolise death) against the light background gives a disturbing mood.  The bold, black lettering ("The Shining") connotes fear and death.

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