Thursday 18 October 2012

"Hard Candy" - How Can We Infer The Target Audience?

The target audience is relatively easy to deduce when looking at the poster.  “Hard Candy,” is targeted towards both male and female audiences, ranging from teenagers to middle-aged people.  This is communicated through the colours, mise-en-scene and text. The dull colours of the background, contrasted with the red clothing of the girl suggest that she is the focus of attention. The fact that the presumed main character is a young girl appeals to the female audience.  The bear trap/suggestion of an action sequence appeals to a male audience. The dull, serious tone of the poster (as well as the title of the film) shows that it is suited to more mature audiences, but the fact that the character looks young is relatable to teenagers.  The strange situation (a young girl standing on a bear trap) creates interest and curiosity for the film. The juxtaposition of the young girl inside the bear trap suggests that she is trapped or in danger, connoting that it is a thriller. The bold, capitalized font signifies that the film deals with themes of violence, which may also appeal to the male audience.The caption confirms that it is a psychological thriller, stating, “Absolutely terrifying! Once it lands its hooks in you, there’s no tearing away.”

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