Friday 19 October 2012

"The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" Poster Analysis

The mise-en-scène of this poster conforms to society’s idea of a thriller.  The dark colours, contrasting with the red dragon, are the colours of fear, death and hostility.  The face of the girl (in the background) is covered by shadows and the dragon, suggesting that she is hiding or that she has something to hide.  Her facial expression is serious but feminine, due to the slight pink colour of her lips and feminine eyes/brows.  The dragon is red, symbolizing blood, passion and conflict. Its tail drips down the poster, into a cloud of what seems to be blood.  The rest of the poster is mainly dark, connoting mystery and secrecy.  The capitalized, white text reads “GIRL DRAGON TATTOO” while the “THE (girl) WITH THE” is in red and is smaller.  This may imply that the girl has dragon-like characteristics, that the dragon is a permanent part of her, much the way that a tattoo is.  The film poster conforms to our idea of a thriller because it is mysterious, dark, and holds a certain amount of suspense. 

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