Detailed and knowledgeable understanding evident of Emily’s talk. You seem to have benefited with the professional speaker providing information on actual practice. I like the way in which you have used this information and blogged this in relation to your coursework planning. Hopeful you will use this to good effect when you produce a treatment and timeline for your music video this week. I also feel that you have produced some excellent blog entries which have either developed your research and planning in to a range of artist’s bands and subsequent products. I also enjoy seeing your concept being nurtured to ensure the right concept for your single release …so well done.
Detailed and knowledgeable understanding evident of Emily’s talk. You seem to have benefited with the professional speaker providing information on actual practice. I like the way in which you have used this information and blogged this in relation to your coursework planning. Hopeful you will use this to good effect when you produce a treatment and timeline for your music video this week. I also feel that you have produced some excellent blog entries which have either developed your research and planning in to a range of artist’s bands and subsequent products. I also enjoy seeing your concept being nurtured to ensure the right concept for your single release …so well done.