Wednesday 7 November 2012

Moving Forward With Our Thriller

Today, our group had another meeting about moving forward with our thriller.  We discussed how to film it and came up with the idea of making it hyper-real.  To do this, we will exaggerate the colours, like in the film "Blue Velvet".  The hyper-real quality will give the sequence a creepy, contrapuntal feel.  It will also add to the suburban atmosphere, the "fake" utopia.

In all the interviews that we did to the general public about thriller films, we found that most people were more likely to enjoy a film if there was a good-looking lead in it.  We discussed who could be our attractive, young male psychopath killer in our meeting as well.

All in all, we had a successful meeting and will be thinking about more ways to add to the hyper-real feel (perhaps with the use of props?) and trying to find our actor.  Next time, we will be discussing locations for filming and other props that we might need.

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